eCommerce Marketing 101: Strategies You Need to Know in 2024

Update date : 13 Jul 2024 | 15 Min Read

12 Best eCommerce Marketing Strategies

We live in the world of eCommerce, where the virtual shelves are endless, and your customers can shop for their basic as well as luxurious needs. If you have clicked on this blog, you are likely confused about which eCommerce marketing strategies to use to increase sales. Whether selling handmade alpaca sweaters or the latest electronics gadgets, using the best eCommerce marketing strategies can feel like teaching a cat to fetch; challenging, but not impossible.

Picture this: You are at a crowded bazaar, shouting about your products to grab the attention of your potential buyers. Similarly, while doing marketing of that same product digitally, your voice can easily get lost in the noise. But don’t worry! With a perfect eCommerce marketing strategy, you can turn that chaotic bazaar into a well-organized boutique where customers hear you like moths to a flame (a non-destructive, cozy kind of flame, for sure).

Why Are eCommerce Marketing Strategies Important?

eCommerce marketing strategies enable businesses to effectively reach, engage, and retain customers in the highly competitive eCommerce environment, making them essential for your online success.

First, these strategies improve your store’s visibility through optimized SEO, social media integration, and robust content marketing. Second, they facilitate targeted campaigns that drive customer engagement and build brand loyalty.

Additionally, eCommerce's advanced analytics and customer segmentation tools allow for creating personalized shopping experiences, improving conversion rates. The platform's flexibility also means you can quickly adapt and refine your marketing tactics. Moreover, eCommerce supports mobile commerce, providing a seamless shopping experience across all devices, so it's better to use eCommerce if you know the perfect marketing strategies.

Let's jump into the strategies you can implement to maximize your eCommerce store's potential.

12 Best eCommerce Marketing Strategies

1. Content Marketing and SEO

Effective content marketing combined with strong SEO can significantly improve your eCommerce business by attracting targeted traffic, engaging potential customers, and driving sustainable conversions. By creating and optimizing original content, you continuously provide valuable information to your audience, keeping them informed and engaged.

Essential content for your eCommerce store includes your home page, category pages, and product pages. However, content marketing goes further by crafting content designed to attract and retain customers. This involves promoting blog posts, videos, newsletters, and other engaging formats to capture their attention.

Additionally, ensure you are making the most of your marketing budget. The following chart shows the percentage of budget allotted to content marketing for most of the companies;

How business spend their marketing budget

(Image Source)

Hence, we can say that companies spend a large budget focusing on quality content and SEO practices nowadays. The following graph shows the best-performing content marketing formats you need to focus on;

The best performing content marketing formats

(Image Source)

Moreover, you can start by brainstorming with your team to choose the best content marketing platform and types of content you want to create. Consider blog posts that provide valuable insights, tutorial videos that showcase your products, and engaging newsletters that keep your customers informed about new arrivals and promotions.

2. Optimize your eCommerce Website’s Layout

After launching or redesigning your eCommerce site, it's important to thoroughly test its layout, language, and placement of conversion elements. The goal is to ensure a seamless shopping experience where visitors can easily navigate your site, feel compelled to make purchases and find clear instructions on how to proceed.

You must test the language used on your landing and product pages and conversion elements, strategically position icons and elements for maximum impact, and utilize various usability testing methods to fine-tune these aspects.

A particularly effective tool is heatmap software, which provides insightful data on customer behavior. The movement heatmap, in particular, highlights the most engaging sections of your website based on visitor interactions, helping you optimize the user experience and drive conversions.'s heatmap

Heatmap tool provides valuable insights into customer behavior by visually highlighting where visitors spend the most and least time on your website. Areas receiving more attention (shown in red) indicate prime spots for placing conversion elements to boost click-through rates (CTR).

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Implementing a conversion funnel analysis and optimization tool is also important. This tool lets you map out user journeys through designated site pages, identifying areas where users drop off or convert.

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Try these methods weekly and observe how your conversion rates improve, using your eCommerce marketing strategy to new heights. offers affordable, scalable pricing plans that start free for a 14-day, catering to your needs as your eCommerce business grows.

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3. Email Marketing

Email marketing remains a powerful tool for connecting with customers. While crafting content and targeting the right audience are important, email marketing's longevity speaks for itself—it delivers results.

To maximize impact, focus on providing valuable content in your emails. Personalize them whenever possible, include attractive promotions, and use them to connect with your audience. Share updates about your company, upcoming events, and new offerings, and be transparent in your communication. This improves your connection with your customers, keeping them interested and engaged with your emails. Moreover, you must consistently monitor your email marketing analytics, just like any other element of your eCommerce marketing strategy.

User behavior analytics tools offer a convenient method to track users arriving from your email campaigns. Simply define a custom URL that users visit upon entering your site, appending UTM variables for clarity and tracking purposes.'s Dashboard's feedback form feature

Using user behavior analytics tool filters or search function, identify sessions associated with this custom URL. You can then save, export, and analyze this data to understand user behavior and interactions on your site.

Additionally, using heatmap filters to analyze engagement across different pages. This allows you to pinpoint which elements attract the most attention and optimize user experience accordingly.

For advanced email marketing strategies, explore triggered emails to re-engage visitors, such as those who abandoned their shopping carts. Email marketing automation improves customer engagement, encouraging repeat visits to your site and boosting conversions effectively.

4. Social Media Marketing

Social media plays an important role in eCommerce marketing, offering a direct and personal way to engage with your industry, customers, and market. It is a platform to improve engagement, boost brand awareness, drive traffic to your website, and gain a larger customer base. Platforms like Instagram Shop and Facebook Shop enable direct selling within the social media environment, streamlining the purchasing process for users.

Diversifying your presence across various social media platforms improves your company's visibility and effectiveness. This strategic approach allows you to cater to diverse audience needs, fostering long-term business growth.

Consistency in tone and brand personality across social media channels is important for building trust and brand recognition. Ensuring your communication style aligns across all outreach efforts helps establish authority and credibility with your audience.

An effective eCommerce strategy involves incentivizing user-generated content. Encourage your audience to share photos and videos featuring your products in exchange for rewards. This attracts new audiences through user networks and improves customer loyalty by humanizing your brand.

Monitoring social media performance is equally essential. You can use web analytics tools to:

1️⃣ Track the on-site journey of social referrals with funnel optimization tools.

2️⃣ Review user session recordings to understand abandonment reasons, conversion triggers, and points of interest.

3️⃣ Analyze full on-site journeys of converted customers to refine your funnel and improve touchpoints.

4️⃣ Utilize heatmaps to gauge scrolling depth, engagement levels, and click behavior among social media segments, informing strategic adjustments.

5️⃣ Gather user feedback via pop-up chat tools at critical journey moments, such as extended page stays or exit intents.

6️⃣ Conduct thorough form analysis to optimize form fields based on social audience preferences and behaviors.

Using these strategies and tools, you can maximize your social media presence, improve customer engagement, and drive sustained growth for your eCommerce business.

Fun Fact Corner

5. Influencer Collaboration

Collaborating with influencers is a highly effective strategy to amplify your brand's reach and credibility. Influencers who have established trust and a loyal following in your niche can significantly impact their audience's purchasing decisions. By partnering with them, you can tap into their influence to promote your products and drive traffic to your eCommerce store.

Identify influencers whose values align with your brand and whose audience matches your target market. Reach out to them with personalized proposals, highlighting the mutual benefits of collaboration. This could include sponsored posts, product reviews, giveaways, or social media takeovers.

Just For Your Information

Influencer collaborations improve brand awareness and build trust through authentic endorsements. When influencers share their genuine experiences with your products, it resonates more deeply with their followers, leading to increased brand loyalty and sales. By strategically using influencer partnerships, you can expand your reach and strengthen your eCommerce marketing efforts.

6. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a famous strategy that expands your reach by partnering with affiliates who promote your products in exchange for a commission. This collaborative approach increases brand visibility and drives targeted traffic to your eCommerce store.

You can recruit influencers, bloggers, or other businesses (promotion through 3rd party, person, or website) with aligned audiences to promote your products by setting up an affiliate program through eCommerce. Affiliates earn a commission for every sale they generate, incentivizing them to market your offerings actively.

Integrate tracking and reporting tools within eCommerce to monitor affiliate performance, track sales, and calculate commissions accurately. This helps you to optimize your affiliate relationships based on performance data and maximize ROI.

Engaging in affiliate marketing not only boosts sales but also improves brand credibility through trusted endorsements from affiliates. It's a cost-effective way to leverage external networks and scale your eCommerce business efficiently.

7. PPC Advertising

There are three important elements of PPC (Pay-per-Click) marketing, i.e., the ad, the offer, and the landing page. All these elements must be in harmony to get better outcomes.  

Maintaining the lead's interest is important for your landing page, ad, and overall conversion funnel. Your landing page should seamlessly continue the narrative of your ad, fulfilling the promise that enticed the visitor to click. Ensure the landing page is optimized for relevant keywords to rank high in search engine results. These keywords should align with your broader eCommerce marketing strategies.

Keep the landing page clean and free of unnecessary distractions. Use this space to highlight the key benefits of your product, making it clear why customers should choose you.

To evaluate performance, use your web user analytics tool to filter and track the UTM-coded audience from various ad platforms such as Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Pinterest, or Reddit. The principles for optimizing these elements remain consistent across different channels.

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8. Optimize the Page Speed

Optimizing your page speed is important for providing a seamless shopping experience and improving your site's search engine ranking. Slow-loading pages can frustrate users, leading to higher bounce and lower conversion rates. Ensuring your eCommerce store loads quickly is essential for retaining customers and improving their overall experience.

Begin by compressing images and utilizing efficient file formats to reduce load times. Use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights to identify and fix performance issues. Minify CSS, JavaScript, and HTML to eliminate unnecessary code that can slow down your site.

Implement browser caching to store frequently accessed files locally on users' devices, reducing the need to re-download them on subsequent visits. Additionally, consider using a Content Delivery Network (CDN) to distribute your site's content across multiple servers worldwide, ensuring faster load times for users regardless of location.

Regularly monitor your site's performance and user behavior (using session recording) to maintain optimal speed. A fast-loading site improves user experience and boosts your SEO efforts, driving more organic traffic to your eCommerce store. By prioritizing page speed optimization, you can create a smoother, more enjoyable shopping experience that keeps customers returning.

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9. Optimize Mobile Experience

Ensuring your website is responsive across all devices is important. With mobile users dominating internet usage, especially in eCommerce, addressing their needs is important to provide visitors with an excellent user experience (UX).

Visitors want the full-meal deal, not just a stripped-down mobile version of your site. Invest in making your site fully responsive to meet their expectations. Effective UX strategies are fundamental to eCommerce marketing, as high bounce rates can negatively impact your success.

In addition to making your site responsive, implement marketing techniques specifically targeting mobile users. Geo-targeting is a popular trend allowing you to advertise to users based on location. This technique lets you reach customers near your business and offer them incentives to visit or purchase.

People uses mobile device the most to shop online

(Image Source)

Use heatmaps to assess the success of your regional campaigns. These heatmaps can help you strategize which areas to focus on, whether by capitalizing on successful regions or exploring new markets.

When entering a new region, consider multilingual marketing to connect with the audience in their preferred language. This approach ensures you communicate effectively and resonate with local customers.

10. Retargeting Campaigns

Customers who have previously visited your website are more inclined to purchase their return. Retargeting uses this behavior by tracking these visitors and showing them ads as they browse other sites, aiming to bring them back to your store. When they return, the likelihood of conversion increases significantly.

Retargeting process

To run an effective retargeting campaign, customize your ads to be highly relevant. If a customer is viewing a specific product, ensure the ads they see feature that exact item and link directly to its product page. Like SEO and PPC marketing, it's important to present users with the information they seek immediately upon clicking your ad.

Use to know how user navigate your eCommerce website

For example, if someone clicks on an ad for hiking boots, they should be taken straight to the product page for those boots, not to the homepage of your camping site. This direct approach significantly boosts the chances of completing a sale.

Despite challenges posed by the decline of third-party cookies, retargeting still offers valuable opportunities to re-engage potential customers and drive conversions.

11. Humanization and Personalization

Consumers now significantly influence the eCommerce business, making it essential for your business to stand out distinctively. To achieve this, personalizing your user experience (UX) to meet your audience's needs is more important than ever. This approach is vital to your eCommerce marketing and overall brand strategy.

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Personalize your outreach by investing time in understanding your customers. People appreciate feeling valued, so include personal touches such as addressing prospects by name, sharing behind-the-scenes content of your team, and being open about your company’s operations. These efforts improve a loyal customer base.

These strategies contribute to building a relatable and trustworthy brand image, aiming to resonate with your customers more deeply.

12. Product Upsells, Cross-sells, and Bundles

Implementing product upsells, cross-sells, and bundles is a strategic way to boost your average order value and enhance the shopping experience on your eCommerce store. These techniques encourage customers to spend more and help them discover additional products that complement their purchases.

1️⃣ Upselling involves suggesting a higher-end product than the one the customer is considering. For example, if a customer is looking at a basic laptop, you might recommend a model with more features or better performance. This approach increases the likelihood of customers opting for a more expensive item, thereby increasing your revenue.

2️⃣ Cross-selling suggests related or complementary products that improve the value of the initial purchase. For example, if a customer buys a smartphone, you could recommend accessories like cases, chargers, or headphones. Cross-selling helps customers find everything they need in one place, improving their overall shopping experience.

3️⃣ Bundling combines two or more products into a single package at a discounted price. This technique is particularly effective for products that naturally go together, such as a camera with a lens kit and a memory card. Bundling can create a sense of value for customers while also encouraging them to buy more items than they originally intended.

To effectively implement these strategies, use eCommerce’s built-in tools to create upsell, cross-sell, and bundle offers. Analyze customer behavior and purchase history to customize recommendations that resonate with their preferences. By strategically utilizing these techniques, you can improve customer satisfaction and drive higher sales in your eCommerce store.

eCommerce Marketing Best Practices Using

1. Personalize interactions and experiences

Customize your marketing efforts to individual customer preferences using advanced analytics. Understanding user behavior through tools like heatmaps and session recordings can help create a more engaging and relevant shopping experience.

2. Manage cart abandonment proactively

Address cart abandonment by analyzing user sessions to identify drop-off points. Implement targeted email reminders and retargeting ads to encourage customers to complete their purchases.

3. Improve your eCommerce UX

Improve user experience by monitoring visitor interactions with heatmaps. Use these insights to optimize site navigation, layout, and design, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable shopping experience.

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(1) What do you mean by eCommerce marketing?

eCommerce marketing refers to strategies and tactics used to promote and sell products or services online. It includes activities such as SEO, social media marketing, email campaigns, PPC advertising, and content marketing aimed at driving traffic, increasing conversions, and fostering customer loyalty in the online marketplace.

(2) What are the four types of eCommerce?

The four types of eCommerce are: B2C (Business-to-Consumer), B2B (Business-to-Business), C2C (Consumer-to-Consumer), and C2B (Consumer-to-Business)

(3) What is the 5c model of eCommerce?

The 5c model of eCommerce is a framework that outlines five key factors for successful online business operations: Context, Content, Community, Commerce, and Connection

(4) Who is the biggest eCommerce in the world?

As of now, Amazon is considered the biggest eCommerce company globally by market capitalization, revenue, and global presence.

(5) What is e-branding in eCommerce?

E-branding in eCommerce refers to the process of establishing and promoting a brand’s identity and reputation online. It involves using digital channels and strategies to build brand awareness, improve brand perception, and create a distinctive online presence that resonates with target audiences.

(6) What is an e-business strategy?

An e-business strategy outlines how a company will use electronic technologies to achieve its business objectives. It includes online marketing, customer service, supply chain management, and website development plans to maximize profitability and competitiveness in the digital marketplace.

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Tapan Patel
Article by
Tapan Patel

As the head of sales & marketing, Tapan has expertise in the execution and planning of business growth strategies aligning with marketing trends. Tapan has over 10+ years of experience in IT marketing for creating growth strategies and managing sales.

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